As Mother’s Day approaches, and we think about the meaning of the day – it is interesting to note that throughout countless centuries and cultures, there are records of observances and celebrations to honor the women who bring us life. From the first woman created in the Bible (Eve means ‘mother of all living”), through ancient civilizations, mothers are given special recognition.
Although many countries celebrate the “American version” of Mothers’ Day, some do not. For instance, in Ireland, their tradition stems from a local Christian holiday, “Mothering Sunday”. On this day, believers were called to make a pilgrimage back to their home “mother” church on the last Sunday of Lent. At some point, the day changed to include honoring one’s mother as well. In Thailand, the reigning queen’s birthday is the day in which children celebrate Mothers’ Day. Queen Sirikrit’s birthday is on August 12, and therefore that is the day of the holiday.
Flowers have a distinct language and have inherent symbolism; a fact that may not be common knowledge. Pink roses, for instance, symbolize appreciation, as do pink calla lilies. The Iris expresses recognition of wisdom and courage, and orchids are known to represent beauty and grace. Flowers are a traditional gift on Mothers’ Day; but this year, when you choose the floral bouquet for the women in your life, make it extra meaningful by including information in a handwritten note about why you chose each bloom. They will love learning about the qualities that you admire them for, and it makes a floral arrangement a truly special gift.
At Central Square Florist, we have a heart for all the mothers – and those who have stepped in to be mothers – that have poured their heart and soul into loving, supporting and teaching us. This May, show your Mom how much gratitude you have for her, with a specially designed arrangement just for her. Mother’s Day is May 8, so don’t delay!