When you commemorate a special event with flowers or are given flowers by a special person, you don’t have to be limited to enjoying them for a limited amount of time; you can actually save them. Whether you have a wedding bouquet, an arrangement from a special anniversary, or congratulatory flowers from a graduation, take a look at this guide to drying and saving keepsake flowers from Central Square Florist in Boston to learn the best ways to dry and display flowers. With them on display, you’ll always be reminded of your happiest memories for years to come.

Bouquet of Dried Roses
How to Dry Flowers: 3 Simple Techniques
It’s best to start drying flowers while they’re still fresh, before they begin to wilt. Whichever method you use to dry your flowers, it’s essential that all the moisture is removed from them. Any remaining moisture in your flowers will cause them to rot. So, be patient, and make sure your flowers have dried completely before you display them. Once dry, give them a gentle coat or two of hairspray to strengthen their structure and protect them from the moisture in the air.
1. Air Dry
Air-drying flowers by gathering their stems with string and hanging them upside down is the best and most traditional way to dry flowers. While this method requires patients over several days of drying, it will provide the best results. Flowers will dry in a position that will make them look fresh once turned upright. Be sure to hang them in a location away from any direct sunlight, which can bleach the colors from the petals.

Hanging Dried Flowers
2. Oven Dry
If you don’t have several days to wait for your flowers to dry, then you can cook the moisture out of them in the oven. Prepare a cookie sheet with parchment or wax paper and preheat your oven to its lowest setting. Carefully arrange the flowers on the cookie sheet to make sure they’re not overlapping. Leave the oven door cracked open to allow moisture to escape and keep a watch over your flowers as they dry. This method requires between eight and twelve hours to dry completely.

Dried Pink Roses
3. Microwave
With the right supplies, you can microwave your fresh blooms and have perfectly dried flowers in minutes. You’ll need silica sand, a microwave-safe container, and a cup of water. First trim any unwanted foliage or stems from your flowers. Then arrange them inside the bowl and cover the completely with sand. Put them in the microwave with a cup of water and heat with 30-second blasts. Check the flowers between each interval. Most will only need a total of two or three minutes.
Our Favorite Ways to Display Dried Bouquets

Autumn Roses
With a little creativity, you can come up with endless ways to display your bouquets of dried flowers. Some of our favorites include separating and trimming a special bouquet and using the dried blooms and foliage to create a floral wreath to display above a mantel piece at the heart of your home. You can also use the blooms to fill a shadow box or terrarium with brilliantly preserved color. Clip one small bloom from the bunch and keep it close to your heart inside a miniature glass bottle charm strung on a necklace. You can always keep your bouquet completely intact and display it in a vase or pitcher exactly as it was on in your memories.

Bouquet of Dried Flowers in Glass Vase
For more tips on drying flowers or for personalized recommendations on the best bouquets for celebrating your next special event, we welcome you to stop by Central Square Florist.