There are many florist websites that show nice flowers arranged in a vase. Unkown to the purchaser, many of these websites ship flowers in a box. The flowers arrive not hydrated and the recipient needs to open the box, locate a vase, fill the vase with flowers, arrange the flowers and clean up the mess. Most times the recipient can not duplicate the excellent design shown on the web. Flowers are transported in trucks that are not heated, and if people are not home they can be left at locations that are below freezing.
When you order flowers from Central Square Florist and we show a vase you can be sure they come professionally designed in the vase. Flowers are never left in a below-freezing condition outside. No surprise do it yourself kits. The recipient receives the flowers and begins to enjoy them immediately. Below are flowers that arrive in a box from a direct shipper and a vase of flowers from Central Square Florist.