Daisy is a friendly mini goldendoodle. She may look like a stuffed animal, but she is a real dog! Originally from upstate New York via Roly Poly Puppies (thanks Bernadette!). When we picked Daisy out she had the temporary name of Daisy. We thought the name was just perfect as we have a flower shop so decided to keep it. It was meant to be! We love Daisy. She lives with my dad (owner of Central Square Florist) David, my mom Terry and my younger sister Michelle.
Daisy enjoys her visits to the flower shop. She is very much loved by our employees and customers alike. Daisy enjoys people watching in Central Square through the front door. She even attracts customers to come inside the shop and play with her because of her sweet face in the window.
When she visits the shop in Cambridge she frequently takes walks from Central to Harvard Square. It’s only a 15-20~ minute walk. Many people stop to play with her or take a picture on her walks. On hot summer days, she relaxes in Harvard Yard under a shady tree (see picture below).

Daisy relaxing in Harvard Yard
Daisy enjoys all the pretty flowers inside Central Square Florist. Her personal favorite is the gerbera daisy. They seem to have some sort of connection…. 😉

Daisy stopping to smell the Daisy 🙂
We recently built a walk-in cooler in the shop. Daisy enjoys cooling off in it after a long summer walk. Last Sunday it was 90 degrees in Cambridge. Pictured below is Daisy cooling off after a 2+ hour walk around the city. She was so happy!

Daisy cooling off
Love Daisy? Sorry, she’s not for sale. We do however have adorable flower dogs. These are dogs made out of flowers. The shape of the dog is made out of carnations in a basket. Surrounding the dog is brightly colored fresh cut flowers. See picture below of our custom flower poodle.

Poodle made out of flowers. Custom creation by Central Square Florist.
Can’t get enough of Daisy the mini goldendoodle? Check out some more pictures below…

Daisy helping Jackie at Central Square Florist

Daisy (a little wet from the rain) with owner David at the flower shop

Daisy the Harvard student (thanks snapchat for the geo filter!)