Hanukkah begins at sundown on Decemb
er 16, 2014, and continues through sundown on Christmas Eve – December 24, 2014.
This eight day celebration happens every year on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev, according to the Jewish calendar. It celebrates the triumph of a small group of Jews who successfully drove the very powerful Seleucid (Syrian-Greek) army out of the Holy Land – stopping them from forcing Jews to become Hellenized.
To celebrate their victory, the group went to the Temple of Jerusalem to light a Menorah. When they got there, they found that the only olive oil they could use in the Menorah was just enough to last a day. Miraculously, however, the oil lasted for eight days, the exact length of time it took to prepare fresh oil in accordance with Jewish purity laws.
Today, that miracle is celebrated through the Festival of Hanukkah – the Festival of Lights. It is a time when Jewish families gather together to light the Menorah, play the Dreidel game, and eat fried foods – especially potato Latkes and sufganiyot – a type of traditional Jewish fried donuts.
Because you will be bringing people into your home, you want it to look its best, and be a festive and welcoming place. The Menorah will be lit, and if you are like most people, the Menorah is not placed on the table, but in a special place where it will remain lit until the candles burn out.
Choosing Flowers for Hanukkah
Traditionally, Hanukkah colors are not the red and green that are synonymous with Christmas. Instead, white is an important color for Hanukkah, and other Jewish holidays – because of it’s association with purity. Blue is another color that figures prominently during Hanukkah.
Flowers are the perfect way to brighten your home. You don’t have to limit them to the table where people eat; you can place them on console or foyer tables, coffee tables, on your mantel or anywhere else.
Happy Hanukkah Centerpiece – This centerpiece is the perfect focal point for any Hanukkah dinner table. This arrangement is a beautiful combination of white and blue flowers, with accents of winter greenery. You can get it with two or three candles, or no candles at all.
Welcome your guests into your home with an elegant All White or the classic White Orchid Embrace.
Central Square Florist has the perfect selection of Hanukkah flowers from which to choose.