There are approximately 315,000 species of plants, making it impossible to put forth one set of instructions that will allow you to keep your favorite indoor green plant looking beautiful. This month, Central Square Florist highlights two of our more popular products and shows you how to keep each one of them healthy and vibrant. But no matter what your choice for indoor green, flowering or succulent plants – you can count on the professionals at Central Square Florist to give you all the advice you need.
Jade plants are houseplants that are relatively easy to care for. They require medium light daily, but just for a few hours – so they should do well in a kitchen or office. Jade plants are fine at room temperature, but during the winter months prefer cooler temperatures of about 55 degrees. They are known for thick, succulent leave pads and can bloom, but coaxing a jade plant to flower requires mimicking its natural growing conditions. Minimal water, cool nights and bright days encourage the plant to form buds and finally bloom, producing delicate starry white to pink flowers in spring.
Some succulents are more resilient than others but generally, these hardy plants will grow well in cactus soil, sand, gravel or volcanic rock – anything that drains well. Allow the soil to dry out before watering again, as succulents don’t like to have wet roots. Here’s a Tip: Many succulents are dormant in during cool months so if your succulent is looking a bit dull, place it in direct sunlight and it should revive. Most succulents thrive with a full day of sunlight.
No matter what green plants you prefer, you can count on the expertise of the team at Central Square Florist to give you the guidance you need. Stop by our Cambridge shop or browse our collection online. We guarantee that whatever plant you choose will be beautiful! For Administrative Professionals Week or any occasion, choose Central Square Florist.