Mother’s Day is inching up on us. This year, the date is May 13th. And our mothers are among the most significant people in our lives, so they deserve to be honored. The Central Square Florist team believes that flowers should be part of every Mother’s Day celebration. A gift of flowers makes every recipient feel like they’re special.
Our Bouquet De L’Amour is a spectacular collection of exotic and classic heirloom flowers. The exotic touch comes from the delicate stems of purple Dendrobium orchids. The traditional and heirloom element comes from the roses, hydrangeas, and stargazer lilies. The colors in this design are a feast for the eyes. Roses, hydrangeas, and the lilies are reminiscent of the kind of flowers you might have seen in your grandmother’s old-fashioned cutting garden.

Mother’s Day is a nationwide observance. Whether you’re looking for a floral gift to send to your mom who lives in another state, or you want to pick out a design to carry with you to your mom in the Boston metro area, you can rest assured that the vast variety of gorgeous cut flower arrangements or compact garden in a basket designs will appeal to the tastes of all mom’s. The Central Square Florist team of creative floral designers are eager to help our customers choose or customize a beautiful floral gift that will convey your love and gratitude to your mom in a dazzling way.