So many lilies! And they are all mystical, colorful, and beautiful! Lilies grow in a variety of shapes and sizes and are one of the most popular flowers in the world. These vibrant blooms are full of surprises, though, and come in over 90 different species. We sort it out for you, though, by listing the 9 divisions of lilies and showcasing some striking examples.
Lily Symbolism
In Greek mythology, the lily symbolizes Hera, who is the Greek Goddess of Love and Marriage. According to the story, drops of her breastmilk formed the Milky Way and from the few droplets that fell to earth fields of lilies sprouted. In Christianity, the lily is associated with the Virgin Mary as a symbol of her innocence and purity, while the Easter lily is a representation of Christ’s resurrection.
Different colored lilies also carry their own meanings. But, in general, lilies are thought to embody purity, fertility, beauty, royalty, and rebirth.
- White Lilies symbolize chastity, innocence, and grace.
- Yellow Lilies symbolize joy, gratitude, and health.
- Light Pink Lilies symbolize elegance, femininity, and kindness.
- Dark Pink Lilies symbolize accomplishment, abundance, and ambition.
- Red Lilies symbolize passion, desire, and love.
- Orange Lilies symbolize confidence, support, and prosperity.
Basic Lily Facts
“True Lilies” are members of a group of plants from the genus Lilium. All true lilies have six petals and six anthers (part of the stamen that contains the pollen). Generally, lilies are tall, upright plants with flowers in the shape of trumpets, bells, or bowls. Their color variations span the range and many have variegated patterns, spots, freckles, or dark patches which lends to their endless diversity and appeal. While lilies are known to be quite fragrant, this only applies to a few particular species.
Lily Classifications & Examples

Pink Pixie Lilies
Division 1: Asiatic Hybrid – Most popular lilies in the world. Come in almost every color but have little to no scent. Attractive and long-lasting. (Tango, Forever Susan, Orange Pixie Lily, Elodie Lily, Lollipop)

Turk’s Cap Lily
Division 2: Martagon Hybrid – Dramatic, visually interesting, and produces small downward-facing blossoms. Flowers can be numerous with up to 50 per stem and strikingly colored. (Turk’s Cap)

Madonna Lily
Division 3: Candidum Hybrid – Famous for the Madonna lily. Lovely fragrance, white flowers, yellow base. Up to 20 blossoms per stem. (Madonna)

Tiger Lily
Division 4: American Hybrid – Includes hybrids of wild lilies in North America. (Tiger Lily)

Easter Lilies
Division 5: Longiflorum Hybrid – Easter lily and hybrids. Elegant, pure white, and trumpet-shaped. Bloom during Easter. (Easter Lily)

African Queen Lily
Division 6: Trumpet and Aurelian Hybrids – Tall and elegant with stunning trumpet-shaped flowers. Large trumpet-shaped flowers and heady sweet fragrance. (African Queen)

Stargazer Lily
Division 7: Oriental Hybrid – Known for large, vibrant, upright flowers. Strong, enchanting fragrance. (Casablanca, Stargazer, Acapulco Lily)

Orange LA Hybrid Lily
Division 8: Interdivisional Hybrids – Hybrids made from the previous seven divisions.

Wild Yellow and Red Lily
Division 9: Species – Wild ancestors of the other classes.

Famous and well known in history because of its grace, beauty, and amazing aroma, the many species of lilies are a sight to behold. Often featured in wedding ceremonies and other prestigious events, they also add a wonderful touch of elegance to any home. Central Square Florist has a great selection of floral arrangements with lilies and other gorgeous blooms so when you’re ready to brighten someone’s day, be sure to peruse our selection!