The long Boston winter is finally winding down, and spring is nearly here! Nothing welcomes the new season and brings the renewing energy of spring indoors quite like a bouquet of fresh seasonal blooms. With their uplifting colors and lovely fragrance, spring flowers are easy on the eyes and the nose. At Central Square Florist, we’re excited to celebrate spring right alongside you with brand-new seasonal designs and the prettiest flowers of the season!
Interesting Spring Flower Facts
This year, the vernal equinox and first day of spring falls on March 19th. While the flowers don’t know what day it is, they can sense the lengthening daylight and warmer temperatures, and this prompts them to start growing and blooming.
In the U.S., we recognize the beginning of spring on the equinox, but other parts of the world reference the lunar calendar for their seasons. The people of Japan take their cue from the flowers themselves. They don’t recognize the start of spring until their national flowers, the cherry blossoms, have begun to bloom.

Lovely Lady
Spring Flower Blooming Schedule
The first flower of the year emerges well before spring — even in cold climates. Snowdrops, crocuses, and Lenten roses push their way through the snow as early as late January. Most early spring bloomers like irises, daffodils, and pansies, start blooming around the end of March. Late spring bloomers like lilacs, daisies, and peonies don’t bloom until May or June.
7 Popular Flowers for Spring
So many lovely flowers blossom during spring that it’s tough to choose just a few favorites. The following are popular spring flowers thanks to their beauty, fragrance, and special symbolic meanings.

1. Hyacinth
Hyacinths are some of the first flowers to bloom in spring. They have cone-shaped clusters of flowers in pink, blue, purple, and white, but they’re most loved for their sweet fragrance. Just a couple of hyacinth blooms will make a whole room smell like beautiful weather.

2. Tulips
It’s impossible to leave tulips off a list of popular spring flowers. You can’t think about bunnies or baby chicks and not also put tulips in the picture. With an endless number of varieties, these blooms offer pretty pops of color to any mixed bouquet, but also look lovely on their own. In general, tulips represent love, but specific colors have different meanings. For example, purple tulips represent royalty, and yellow tulips are for happy thoughts.

3. Daffodils
These cheerful yellow, orange, and white blossoms have trumpet-shaped noses and bloom early in the season. Since they also represent renewal and rebirth, daffodils are one of the strongest emblems of spring.

4. Bluebells
Bluebells bloom late in the season and grow wild in many parts of the United States. Bell-shaped bluebell blossoms hang gracefully from their stems and almost look like their bowing. This might be the reason why they represent humility.

5. Daisies
With their white petals and bright-yellow centers, daisies have the natural beauty of a springtime meadow. They’re perfect celebrating Mother’s Day because they represent childbirth and motherhood.

6. Roses
Roses are popular all year, but springtime is their season. During spring, roses are at their freshest, most beautiful, and most affordable, making them an excellent choice for spring weddings. Each color of rose has a different meaning, making them like a language of their own. For example, lavender roses symbolize love at first sight, pink is for gentle admiration, orange equals passion, and yellow roses represent friendship.

7. Lilacs
Lilac shrubs can grow up to 15 feet tall, and in full-bloom, a lilac bush will easily perfume an entire backyard or neighborhood with its pleasant floral scent. Lilac flowers bloom in hanging clusters of pink, purple, blue, and white flowers that respectively symbolize love, spirituality, happiness, and purity.
Get Excited to Celebrate Spring with Flowers and Blooming Plants
If you’re ready to bid farewell to winter winds and freezing temperatures, then join the flower enthusiasts at Central Square Florist in celebrating and welcoming spring! We have the perfect designs for refreshing your home and elevating your mood, whether you love tulips, hyacinth, azaleas, or roses.